Sunday, December 28, 2014

A Christmas Message for my Neighbors

     As we enter into the Christmas Holiday I have spent some time reflecting on the meaning of Christmas and the Hope that it brings to the world. This past 2 years have been bittersweet for our family and many of you have watched as my sister and I cared for and buried our mother.  You have also no doubt followed the progression of the Illegal Foreclosure and sale of our family home.
     But first, let’s start at the beginning. My home at 745 Overiver Drive was purchased by my Grandfather Henry Dambacher in 1968. I was 4 years old. This Christmas Season I am celebrating my 50th birthday.  I have played in the Mangroves where most of your houses sit now. I watched the Apollo Missions launch from Commander Wolcott’s backyard and I helped swing the huge houseboat into the dock using the metal rod that sits on the property line when Frank Alderman was still our neighbor. I remember when this was an “Old Florida” neighborhood and your neighbors were your friends. I spent most of my childhood playing on my dock in my underwear, a practice that would no doubt get my parents arrested today.
     Over the years I have watched and grieved as riverfront property was sold and developed. These beautiful pieces of my neighborhood could only be afforded by the wealthiest of individuals. With wealth came corruption and greed and names like Morton Goldberg and Harry Lowell made an entrance into the neighborhood. I’m sure you can find their stories on Google if you are interested.     
    The early 80’s saw the first generational turnover in this home. My grandmother passed away and my grandpa was housebound while my mother and I cared for him here at home. During that time there was a neighbor who would bring my grandpa communion and eventually handled the Probate of the home when my grandfather passed away and my mother Kathleen Kirkpatrick inherited the house. Today this same neighbor is handling my eviction after my home was stripped from me by OneWest Bank.
     The years that followed brought other new people into the neighborhood and the climate continued to deteriorate. Property lines that have been in place for 50 years have been challenged over mere inches and Lee County Code Enforcement and Animal Control have been used to harass my family repeatedly. He who has the money to hire a lawyer wins.
     My grandparents were simple hard working people who made a very good investment in 1968. An investment that was so wise in fact that in 2006, at the height of the housing market, my Mother became the victim of Predatory Lending. She was sold a HECM Reverse Mortgage by a company called Financial Freedom/OneWest Bank. I’m sure many of you have seen their commercials on TV. At the time of the signing of that mortgage it was explained to me and my mom that when she passed away I would have the right to maintain ownership and PURCHASE my home through the HUD Redemption Program. Since September of 2013 I have fought with Financial Freedom/OWB to stop their blatant violation of the Federal Guidelines that entitle me buy my home and live out my years in this house as my grandparents and mother did. It is truthfully the only future I have ever seen for myself. It was never a question of funding as that was all arranged and pre-approved since prior to my mothers passing.  The increasing corruption that has undermined our banking and financial institutions has been allowed to prevail by our impotent Government and in the United States of America, an honest, hardworking, taxpaying citizen has been stripped of her family heritage by Money and Greed.
It disappoints me deeply that my “neighbors” have changed so dramatically over the years that the violation of my rights would be seen as a financial opportunity for them and their displaced family members. It is most interesting to note that this house was actually purchased by a dissolved LLC out of the State of Nevada. Dr. Marchese is involved in at least 3 dissolved or suspended LLC’s in that state.
     How overwhelmingly unsettling it is that a neighbor would trespass on my property 5 separate times to remove and/or vandalize signs that I placed to exercise my First Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech. How completely disgusted am I that the “Good Doctor” that bought my home would place a hand written letter (Copy Enclosed) in my mailbox and be arrogant enough to address me by my Christian name. Please feel free to visit my Blog and read the comments from another of your neighbors who presumes to speak for the whole neighborhood when they say they are glad to see me go.    
     To the neighbor who feels the need to hide behind an anonymous Blogger Profile I say “You are a Coward!” Sign your name and get it over with. Are you afraid of my signs? I speak the truth and I’m saddened that many of you can’t see it through your fog of wealth and greed.
     As I sit in our “studio” and write this letter I am down to 11 days before I am to appear in court to receive the Order for Writ of Possession that will force me to leave my home forever. It will come from a judge on behalf of Dr. Marchese as represented by his neighbor Steve Buckley. He is the same “Christian” neighbor who brought my grandfather communion all those many years ago. 
     As you read this all of the signs will have been taken down and there will be no more here on Overiver Drive. This is NOT for the benefit of my neighbors or for Lee County Code Enforcement. I am removing all of my signs and protest material because my “neighbors” have trespassed and vandalized this property enough that my Sissy no longer feels safe in the house that she was born in. My right to free speech is overshadowed by my sissy’s right to spend the remaining time that she has available to sleep in the bedroom where she was born in in PEACE! Rest assured that I will appear in court on Jan. 5th and my signs are portable!
     Throughout the last year there have been a handful of TRUE NEIGHBORS who have stood by my side, offered me support and were my “cheerleaders” throughout my battle to save my home. As you all read this you will know which part of this letter is meant for you. To all of you who have been my advocates, I apologize for the spectacle that I have brought this neighborhood as I try to figure out how to start all over after 46 years in this home. You are the people who deserve to live in a fine area such as this. I want to thank each of you for you kindness and support. It is because of people like you that I have any faith left in humanity at all. Sissy and I wish you the Happiest of Holiday Seasons and an Abundant New Year.
To the rest of you…Merry Christmas “Neighbors.”



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